We were up at dawn, and experience tells us that the light is perfect for photos at that time of the day.
The mosque looked splendid but we had no time to stop...
Turn right at the egg shop, drive about 2 miles and there we were at the Camel Races.
The noise, the smell, the ambiance... all amazing and everyone is so friendly....
"Take my Photo" is the conversation.
Where else in the word do young men stand an pose for you to take their photo.?
Look at this mans shoe in mid air. This camel needed a little extra encouragement.
The are manoeuvred into position behind the barrier.
The stand expectantly,
The barrier is lifted and they're off.
The there's the home stretch.
We had hot fresh falafels and sweet coffee for breakfast and that was just the beginning of the day!!!!
What is the purpose of the robots?